Powerful water fountain throws man into the air for several meters

Powerful water fountain throws man into the air for several meters


Fountain pumps out 500 liters of water a second at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour

GENEVA (Web Desk) - A Swiss man ended up in the hospital after reportedly putting his head into the Jet D’Eau, a giant water fountain on Lake Geneva, and being thrown several meters into the air.

According to eyewitness reports, the 20-something man, whose name has not been revealed, somehow breached the security perimeter around Geneva’s famous Jet d’Eau water fountain and put his head into the nozzle of what is essentially an extremely powerful water cannon.

The Jet D’Eau pumps out 500 liters of water per second, at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour, to a height of 140 meters (460 feet) into the air.

When the water sprouted out of the fountain, the young daredevil was catapulted backward by the force, which was actually a lucky outcome considering the alternatives. However, this was only his first attempt.

Seemingly not one to be content with having survived a giant water cannon shot to the head, the Swiss man once again climbed the Jet D’Eau, this time in an apparent attempt to embrace it.

When the powerful jet of water shot out of the fountain, it sent the man flying several meters into the air, from where he crashed onto the cement platform around the Jet D’Eau.

The man managed to get up from his fall and threw himself into Lake Geneva, from where the police, alerted by eyewitnesses, ended up fishing him out.

He was rushed to the hospital to have his injuries checked, and his condition remains unclear.

“Police officers came and asked to urgently shut off the Jet d’Eau to be able to go get him,” one eyewitness said.

SIG, the electricity company that owns and runs Jet D’Eau, one of the world’s most powerful water fountains, reportedly intends to file a complaint against the man for trespassing.