HRC reports 376 terrorism incidents in 2022

HRC reports 376 terrorism incidents in 2022


The commission stated that overall law and order situation in the country remained poor

 ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) Human Rights Commission (HRC) issued its annual report regarding the overall law and order situation in Pakistan during 2022. 376 cases of terrorism were reported in 2022 pilling up to the highest number of incidents during past five years.

According to the report of the Human Rights Commission, there were more prisoners in Pakistani jails than the capacity, with a total of 88,687 inmates. In Balochistan, 2,210 cases of enforced disappearances remain unresolved, and 35 cases of blasphemy were recorded from all over Pakistan. 171 individuals were found guilty under blasphemy laws. 33m people were affected by climate change.

As per the report, there were 3,901 cases of rape and 325 cases of gang rape, 316 crimes were committed in the name of honour, and 61 cases of acid attacks were reported. Incidents of domestic violence hiked to 1,022, and 1,739 people died whereas 12,867 were injured in floods. Sindh was the worst affected by floods, where 823 people died. More than 90 worship places and graves were desecrated in previous year.

The Human Rights Commission stated in its report that the law and order situation in the country remained poor, with 318 people became victims of target killing. A total of 1,952 people were killed in the name of honour, and 4,226 cases of sexual violence and abuse against women were reported. In Sindh, 1,200 bonded labourers were released. Committees formed in 2022 remained inactive.