PTI to begin campaign for snap elections across country

 PTI to begin campaign for snap elections across country


PTI to begin campaign for snap elections across country

LAHORE (Dunya News) – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on Monday decided to begin the nationwide "Election Karao Mulk Bachao" campaign for early elections from December 7.

In this regard, the former premier presided over PTI top brass meeting in Lahore while the provincial legislators including MPA Mian Aslam Iqbal, Dr Yasmin Rashid and others also participated.

During the meeting, it was decided to begin the countrywide campaign for early elections in phases, with the first phase of the campaign launching on December 7 and continuing until December 17.

While the PTI leaders rebuking the incumbent rulers said that all the decisions taken by the PDM led government resulted in severe economic disasters and put the country on the verge of default, adding that they would take all possible steps to pave the way for the snap elections and give back the right to the masses to choose their leadership.