Crime rules the capital in 2022

Crime rules the capital in 2022


Crime rules the capital in 2022

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) –  As the country is busy preparing for the celebrations of 2023, let us not completely ignore the worrying realities that can contribute in shaping our future.

One such worrisome issue is the alarming increase in the criminal activities in the country’s capital.

The capital city of Pakistan, Islamabad, has a total population of around 1.1 million and it is the country’s ninth-most populous city. Statistics reveal that people were deprived of more than Rs3 billion in nearly 10,000 incidents of robberies and snatching, while 162 murders were reported in 2022.

Most of the criminal activities took place in the jurisdiction of the rural and I-9 zone police stations, shows data.

There were several encounters between the police and lawbreakers as the force made efforts to curb the growing criminality in the area.

On June 29, police killed notorious robber Bilal Sabit and his accomplice. The slain robber was involved in more than 100 house robberies and was the ringleader. In another incident, six police officials lost their lives during a clash with criminals.

In order to tackle the rising crime graph, the authorities concerned also made changes in the Police Department as three Inspectors General of Police (IGP) were transferred. The total strength of Islamabad police is 13,000 and 1,000 more inductions are being made in the force. More security cameras are also being installed in the city.

Security experts recommended that new cities should be established and the expansion of existing cities be discouraged to curb crime.