Iran installs four of eight new centrifuge clusters planned at Fordow, IAEA report says

Iran installs four of eight new centrifuge clusters planned at Fordow, IAEA report says


Iran installs four of eight new centrifuge clusters planned at Fordow, IAEA report says

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VIENNA (Reuters) - Iran has so far installed four out of the eight clusters of advanced IR-6 centrifuges it said earlier this month it would quickly set up at its Fordow uranium-enrichment plant, the U.N. atomic watchdog said in a report on Friday seen by Reuters.

"Since the Director General's previous quarterly report, the Agency has verified that Iran has installed four of the aforementioned eight IR-6 cascades in Unit 1 at FFEP (Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant)," the International Atomic Energy Agency said in the confidential report to member states.