Putin tells Russians on Victory Day that world is at turning point

Putin tells Russians on Victory Day that world is at turning point


He said "Western globalist elites" were sowing Russophobia and aggressive nationalism

MOSCOW (Reuters) – President Vladimir Putin told Russians on Tuesday that the world was at a key turning point and they were engaged in a patriotic struggle for the future of their country, as the country marked the anniversary of victory over Nazi Germany in World War Two.

"Today, civilization is again at a decisive turning point. A real war has been unleashed against our homeland. We have repulsed international terrorism, we will protect the inhabitants of Donbas, we will ensure our security," Putin said as the country marked the anniversary of victory over Nazi Germany in World War Two.

In a 10-minute speech on Red Square, Putin repeated familiar messages he has delivered many times in the nearly 15 months of Russia's war in Ukraine.

He said "Western globalist elites" were sowing Russophobia and aggressive nationalism, while the Ukrainian people had become "hostages to a state coup" and to the ambitions of the West.

He did not address the challenges facing Russia as its forces prepare for an expected major counter-offensive by Ukraine, or outline any path to victory.

The speech, followed by a huge military parade across Red Square, was taking place following a wave of strikes inside Russia this month - including a purported drone attack on the Kremlin citadel itself less than a week ago.
Following are quotes from the speech, translated from Russian to English by Reuters:

“Despite disagreements in international relations, Russia has always advocated the creation of a system of equal and indivisible security, a system that is vital for the entire international community.

“In December last year, we proposed the conclusion of an agreement on security guarantees. Russia called on the West to enter an honest dialogue, in search of reasonable compromise solutions, to take each other’s interests into account. It was all in vain.”

“NATO countries did not want to listen to us, meaning that they in fact had entirely different plans, and we saw this. Openly, preparations were under way for another punitive operation in Donbas, the invasion of our historical lands, including Crimea.

“In Kiev, they announced the possible acquisition of nuclear weapons, the NATO bloc began actively taking military control of territories adjacent to ours. As such, an absolutely unacceptable threat to us was systematically created, and moreover directly on our borders.

“Everything indicated that a clash with the neo-Nazis, the Banderites [presumed Ukrainian Nazi sympathisers], backed by the United States and their junior partners, was inevitable.”

“We saw military infrastructure being ramped up, hundreds of military advisers working and regular deliveries of modern weapons from NATO. (The level of) danger was increasing every day. Russia preventively rebuffed the aggressor. It was necessary, timely and … right. The decision of a sovereign, strong, independent country.”

“Today, the volunteers of the Donbas, together with the soldiers of the Russian Army, are fighting on their own lands …

“I am now addressing our Armed Forces and the Donbas volunteers. You are fighting for the Motherland, for its future, so that no one forgets the lessons of the Second World War. So that there is no place in the world for executioners, punishers and Nazis.”

“The death of each one of our soldiers and officers is our shared grief and an irreparable loss for their friends and relatives. The state, regions, companies and public organisations will do everything to care for and help these families. We will give special support to the children of dead and wounded comrades. A Presidential Decree on this was signed today.”

“The United States, especially after the collapse of the Soviet Union, began talking about its exclusivity, abasing not only the whole world but also its satellites, which have to pretend that they don’t see anything and obediently swallow it up. But we are a different country. Russia has a different character. We will never abandon our love for the Motherland, our faith and traditional values, the customs of our ancestors and our respect for all peoples and cultures.”

“We know that American veterans who wanted to attend the parade in Moscow were practically barred from doing so. But I want them to know: we are proud of your exploits, your contribution to the common victory.”

“We honour all the soldiers of the allied armies – the Americans, the British, the French, the participants in the Resistance and the partisans of China – all those who defeated Nazism and militarism.”