Dog with the world's longest five-inch tongue is in US state of Louisiana

Dog with the world's longest five-inch tongue is in US state of Louisiana


Guinness World Records made the certification

METAIRIE (Web Desk) – The Guinness World Records has now officially declared that the living dog with the longest tongue in the world is found in Louisiana – a southern US state.

Zoey a Labrador/German shepherd mix – was awarded the record for longest tongue, five-inch long, after a veterinarian measured from the tip of her snout to the tip of her tongue.

Her owners, Sadie and Drew Williams, said they got the canine when she was only six- week-old, and they almost immediately noticed her unusually long tongue, making her popular with neighbours.

"We thought surely she'd grow into it but she obviously didn't. She still has an enormous tongue compared to her body," Sadie Williams told Guinness World Records.

"Every now and then while we're out taking her on a walk, people will come up to her and want to pet her," Drew Williams said. "We'll warn them ahead of time 'Hey, she's friendly but she might slobber on you,' and every now and then she will, and they'll have a big slobber mark on their black pants."