Baby goat born with spinal condition learning to run with wheels

Baby goat born with spinal condition learning to run with wheels


Caretakers said Itty Bitty's condition prevents her from using her back legs.

GEORGIA (Web Desk) - A baby goat brought to a Georgia sanctuary with a spinal disease is learning to run for the first time in her life thanks to a custom-made set of wheels.

TMMA Farms and Sanctuary in Walton County said the goat, named Itty Bitty, was born in December 2022 with a spinal disease similar to spina bifida, characterized by the spinal cord failing to properly develop while in the womb.

Veterinarians determined surgery would not help Itty Bitty, and the goat was brought to the sanctuary by an animal lover who had been bottle-feeding the kid since birth.

Caretakers said Itty Bitty's condition prevents her from using her back legs, so she was initially getting around by scooting on her bottom.

Itty Bitty is now learning to walk and run for the first time in her life after the sanctuary had her outfitted with a pair of wheels. The sanctuary said she was running on her own within 24 hours of using her new wheels.