Man models his women's high heel footwear brand

Man models his women's high heel footwear brand


We knew China’s online commerce industry was different, but this..

CHINA (Web Desk) - A 41-year-old man has reportedly been making a killing selling women’s high heel shoes and boots by modeling them himself.

The unnamed man who reportedly hails from China’s Sichuan province recently made news headlines after it was revealed that he had been using a very unusual technique to boost up his online sales. Live stream commerce is big business in China, but the competition is so stiff that entrepreneurs constantly have to come up with gimmicks to set themselves apart and gain potential customers. In this particular case, the guy films himself walking and even running in the high-heel women’s footwear he sells, and people seem to love it.

According to a Star Video report that recently went viral in China, the 41-year-old online salesman’s unique marketing has attracted over 1.2 million subscribers on TikTok alone, and it has been generating about 6 million yuan ($900,000) in monthly sales.

That’s not too bad for a small business, especially considering that this is apparently the entrepreneur’s third foray into online sales, but only the first successful one. He had previously tried selling cakes and curtains, but without a way of one-upping the competition, he failed both times.

We’ve seen men posing and walking in high heels before, but this is probably the first one to use the skill as a marketing strategy.

We knew China’s online commerce industry was different, but this…