Woman demands money to make wedding cake for brother

Woman demands money to make wedding cake for brother


"I love to bake. It's a big passion of mine"

LONDON (Web Desk) - A woman has been left fuming after her brother asked her if she would make the cake for his wedding but expected her to do it for free, even though it would take her a long time to make and the materials she needed to make it wouldn t be cheap.

The 25-year-old woman explained that baking is a hobby of hers and she doesn t do it professionally, but she often makes cakes for friends and family on their birthdays, which she never charges for.

However, when her brother and his fiancée asked her to make a three-tier wedding cake for them, the woman told them she would only agree if she was compensated in the amount of $400 (£328) for the time, effort, and supplies she would need.

The couple initially agreed, but when the time came for payment, her brother completely ignored her - before later telling her it was "selfish" of her to ask for money from a family member.

In a post she said: "I love to bake. It s a big passion of mine and something I love to do as a hobby in my free time.

"I make these cakes for family and friends for birthdays or special occasions. I never charge for these cakes, but am always compensated in some way by my family and friends.

"They ll usually gift me money or a gift card to my favourite restaurants, or make me a dish in return as a thank you.

"My younger brother and his fiancée were planning their wedding and asked me a few months in advance if I d be able to make their cake for them.

"This would be my biggest order yet. They wanted a three-layer cake (the wedding was 75 people), in the flavour of strawberry shortcake as it s their favourite.

"I was hesitant at first but agreed to make the cake, under the condition that I was compensated for it.

"I explained to them that this was the biggest order I d ever had, and was going to take up a lot of my time and be costly. I gave them a VERY fair price for a cake of that calibre. They agreed. I also made it clear that I wanted to be paid before the wedding.

"Fast forward to last week, six days before the wedding. I contacted my brother for my payment as I was going to get started on buying the rest of the ingredients for the cake. He assured me he d drop off my cheque the next day.

"Next day came, my brother went MIA and no cheque arrived, so I tried to contact him again.

"The next day came, and no cheque again. I offered to drive to their house and pick up the cheque, but they made an excuse that it didn t work with their schedules.

"So the day before the wedding I contacted both my brother and his fiancée asking again.

"They blew up on me telling me that I m selfish for charging them when I don t charge the rest of the family and that they refused to pay but demanded I make the cake. I said no, and explained my terms again."

The woman eventually chose not to attend her brother s wedding as she felt "disrespected" by the couple s actions.

She added: "They called me selfish and said I better make the cake. I again said no. So the day of the wedding I decided not to attend, due to the amount of disrespect they showed me.

"My brother, his fiancée and her family are now blowing up my phone sending me all kinds of nasty messages."

Commenters on the post were firmly on the woman s side, with many saying it was the woman s brother who was being selfish by demanding something for free.

One person said: "All I read here is they re calling you selfish because they have to pay for something that costs a lot of time and money."