British couple travels globe on bike in 180 days

British couple travels globe on bike in 180 days


British couple travels globe on bike in 180 days

(News Desk) - After traveling 18,000 miles through 21 countries on a tandem bicycle to complete the journey, a British couple is aiming for the Guinness World Records title.

Stevie Massey and Laura Massey-Pugh landed in Berlin on December 1 after beginning their record quest there 180 days earlier.

The couple, who went for a ride on a tandem bike on their first date, claimed that reading about fellow Britons Cat Dixon and Raz Marsden, who broke the record for the fastest female team circumnavigation in 263 days, 8 hours, and 7 minutes, gave them the idea to attempt the record for fastest circumnavigation by tandem bicycle.

The male team record was 281 days, 22 hours, and 20 minutes, the pair soon learned. The mixed version of the record has a category listed in Guinness World Records, but no one currently holds the title.

Massey-Pugh claimed she and her husband were confident they could break both single-gender records, so they looked into the requirements of the record-keeping body, which included covering at least 18,000 miles in a single direction, passing through two antipodal points, and returning to the starting point.

The pair expressed their relief after having completed their epic journey.

Massey-Pugh told CNN, “It was simply a big sense of relief.” “It was simply fantastic to finally be able to stop riding and to see particular friends and family loved ones that we hadn t seen in six months.”