Texas man amasses collection of 24,268 video games

Texas man amasses collection of 24,268 video games


Antonio Romero Monteiro of Richmond was originally awarded the record in December 2021.

 TEXAS (Web Desk) - The Texas man who holds the Guinness World Record for largest collection of video games said his collection has now grown to 24,268 games.

Antonio Romero Monteiro of Richmond was originally awarded the record in December 2021, when his collection totaled 20,139 video games.

Guinness World Records said Monteiro, whose collection spans more than 100 video game consoles, now owns a total 24,268 games, amassing a collection worth an estimated $2.1 million.

"Originally my collection focused on purchasing and repurchasing some of the games I played in my youth," Monteiro told Guinness World Records. "Slowly it expanded to include games I always wanted to play, but hadn t had the opportunity to, and eventually expanded to completing collections for individual systems."

Monteiro s collection also earned him the Guinness World Record titles for largest collection of Xbox items, largest collection of Sega items, largest collection of Nintendo items and largest collection of PlayStation items.