Man tired of spending hours at the gym gets six pack tattooed on his stomach instead

Man tired of spending hours at the gym gets six pack tattooed on his stomach instead


Man tired of spending hours at the gym gets six pack tattooed on his stomach instead

(Web Desk) - A man who was tired of going to the gym has gone to the extreme lengths of getting a six-pack tattooed on his stomach to try and achieve the perfect summer body.

Apparently the man had been working out at the gym for years without seeing any improvements and was sick of it. Obviously the logical next step was to permanently ink a rock-hard six-pack on your stomach that doesn’t even match your skin-tone.

While this might sound like a radical solution to the issue, the man seems rather pleased with the results, judging by the TikTok video of the ink, which has been viewed more than 500,000 times on the app.