US citizen participates in marathon wearing 111 T-shirts

US citizen participates in marathon wearing 111 T-shirts


US citizen participates in marathon wearing 111 T-shirts

(Web Desk) - The American man completed the half marathon wearing 111 T-shirts to promote science and technology and has entered his name in the Guinness Book of World Records.

David Ration already had 200 Guinness World Records.

David Rush, who holds 200 Guinness Book of World Records, took part in the campaign to promote science, technology, engineering and math. He set a new record by wearing 111 T-shirts in the famous Potato Marathon in the state of Idaho. It should be noted that in order to complete the marathon, one has to cover a distance of 26 miles and 300 yards. However, David has covered half the distance. 

Wearing a T-shirt one by one, they looked very fat, weighing a total of 40 pounds or 18 kilograms. Of course, running in this situation is a very difficult task. David said the weight of the clothes began to affect their blood flow. At first the arm began to ache and after that it became swollen and swollen until the arm became twice as thick as the original size and at one point he was unable to put his thumb on his own hand.

However, David did not give up and completed the half marathon.