Two Dolphins seen 'Playing' with an anaconda while sexually aroused

Two Dolphins seen 'Playing' with an anaconda while sexually aroused


Two Dolphins seen 'Playing' with an anaconda while sexually aroused

BOLIVIA (Web Desk) -  BoliviNature has limitless possibilities and capabilities to surprise mankind in innumerable ways. But there are instances, that are a little too hard to fathom. Case in point, this bizarre scientific encounter, where two male dolphins were seen  playing  with an anaconda while sexually aroused.

The rare incident was captured by researchers last year in the Tijamuchi River in Bolivia.

In a paper published last month in the journal Ecology, scientists revealed that what was especially odd was that the dolphins had erect penises as they were carrying the snake.

They said that the dolphins were playing with the snake rather than trying to eat it, in part because the interaction lasted for at least seven minutes.

Dolphins have a bit of a reputation for getting frisky with other mammals and even humans, but the encounter was the first-ever recorded between a Bolivian river dolphin and a Beni anaconda.

At one point, they observed the adult males each holding onto the anaconda and swimming in unison.

"It could have been sexually stimulating for them," Diana Reiss, a marine mammal scientist told the New York Times.

Reiss, who was not involved with the study, said the anaconda  could have been something to rub on .

Beni anacondas are large semi-aquatic snakes, generally reaching more than 6 feet long, and typically have no known predators. Other than a single case of cannibalism, researchers haven’t documented the serpents being eaten. In this case, the team did not see where the snake ended up.