Decision on PTI chief's plea in cypher case in a couple of days, announces IHC CJ

Decision on PTI chief's plea in cypher case in a couple of days, announces IHC CJ


He submitted that trial inside prison has stated but a decision on his plea has yet to be announced

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – The Islamabad High Court on Friday declared that it would announce a decision on PTI chief’s application against his trial inside prison and appointment of judge in cypher case in a couple of days.

PTI chairman’s counsel Sher Afzal Marwat appeared before Chief Justice Amir Farooq and submitted that his client’s trial inside prison has stated but a decision on his application has yet to be announced.

Second hearing of cypher case against his client would be held on Monday, Advocate Marwat informed the court.

CJ Farooq said he would announce the verdict within a couple of days.

It may be noted that the IHC has already reserved the verdict on the plea.

He asked Marwat why the PTI objected to the decision to move the party head to Adiala Jail from Attock. The decision was announced on your plea but there was a fuss in newspapers.

Advocate Marwat replied that he did not issue a statement on the matter, but surprisingly the matter was highlighted by the press.

He told the CJ that he sought B class for his client in Adiala Jail, but the authorities have not yet upgraded the class.

CJ Farooq said he had already issued orders Mr Khosa’s [Latif] plea and your client would be given B class soon.