Torkham border closure prolongs as authorities fail to sort out clash

Torkham border closure prolongs as authorities fail to sort out clash


Both sides met after an exchange of fire on Wednesday last

KHYBER (Web Desk) – Torkham border could not be opened for the general public and business activities on the sixth consecutive day on Sunday as Pakistani and Afghan border security officials could not sort out the solution.

Sources said both sides met after an exchange of fire on Wednesday last which led to closure of the border.

Khyber Rifles Comm­andant Asim Kiyani, Lt Col Ahmad Mujtaba of Chitral Scouts, Lt Col Zainul Abideen and Maj Shah­abuddin led Pakistan and Hafiz Asmatullah Yaqoobi from Gumrak (Customs), Qari Meraj of the border security forces, and Mulavi Takal represented Afghanistan in the meeting.

Both sides discussed the border security situation and the Afghan officials alleged that Pakistani border forces started firing on Sept 6 while the establishment of new security post and old one was underway. The Afghan side dispelled the charges that they had started the firing.

Following agreements signed by both sides, the Afghanistan was bound to update Pakistan regarding establishment of new structure within a range of one hundred metres of the border. The Pakistan officials said they had no objection to the rebuilding of old post or security building.

In response to a demand by the Afghan officials regarding reopening of the Torkham border, the Pakistani officials categorically said that a decision would be made after consultations with “higher authorities.”

The border is closed for the last six days creating plethora of problems for the traders and others as well.

A statement issued by the Afghan foreign ministry expressed concern over the closure of Torkham gate and termed it contrary to the values of a “good neighbour”.

“The closure of Torkham gate can adversely affect bilateral and regional trade and could cause trade and financial losses to merchants on both sides,” the statement added.

“[This] not only harms the bilateral trade but also fosters distance between the fraternal people and countries while also creating impediments and delays for regional trade and transit.

“As the Islamic Emirate of Afgha­nistan emphasises commitment to resolving issues through understanding and diplomatic dialogue, and considering its economic-centric foreign policy with facilitation of trade and transit at its core, it reminds the Pakistani side that such actions are also detrimental to the trade of Afghanistan, region and national economy of Pakistan too, which is currently dependent on exports to Afghanistan more than ever,” the statement mentioned.

Sources said the Pakistani officials are trying to find possible solution to reopen the border without any delay.