'Wish you good luck Mr Khan, Ajmal Wazir leaves PTI

'Wish you good luck Mr Khan, Ajmal Wazir leaves PTI


11th leader to leave party so far

PESHAWAR (Dunya News) – Ajmal Wazir, former spokesperson of PTI-led government in KP, on Saturday announced quitting the PTI, making him the eleventh party leader to do so.

Addressing a press conference, he lamented “what was done to the sculpture of Colonel Sher Khan who sacrificed his life for Pakistan” during PTI’s protests against the arrest of PTI chief Imran Khan. “Look at the inflation and situation of the people,” he added.

Mr Khan used to believe what he had been told, he said.

He went on to say that he had two ways, adding that either he should condemn the 9/5 violence of stay silent. “If I condemn it, it will be tantamount to breaching the party’s discipline,” he added.

Mr Wazir had joined the PTI in July, 2018 and was elected to the provincial assembly in August, 2019.

Earlier, KP’s former health minister Dr Hisham Inamullah Khan had announced parting his ways with the party.

Addressing a presser, he said he did not take his decision under duress but he was sad over the May 9 incidents.