Dr Yasmin Rashid admitted to hospital for medical check-up

Dr Yasmin Rashid admitted to hospital for medical check-up


Despite court orders, the ex-minister has not been released yet

LAHORE (Dunya News) – PTI senior leader and former provincial health minister Dr Yasmin Rashid was shifted to a hospital for medical check-up amid her deteriorating health late on Saturday.

According to reports, owing to her medical condition the PTI leader will stay in hospital for a while. Ms Rashid was transported to the Services hospital from the second gate at Katcha Jail road, after she fell ill.

As per the hospital administration, Dr Yasmin was brought to the MS office and was medically examined. The hospital administration claimed that her condition is stable.

According to sources, her blood samples were taken for blood pressure, sugar, and other medical assessment tests. The final decision to admit or discharge her will be taken on the basis of test reports that are due.

Despite the court's orders, Dr Yasmin has not been granted bail yet. A police team reached the Services hospital and inquired about her health from the doctors concerned.