Fawad severely criticises coalition government for smear campaign against SC

Fawad severely criticises coalition government for smear campaign against SC


Term PDM parties a group of fascist minded criminals

LAHORE (Dunya News) - Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Central Secretary of Information Fawad Chaudhry has said that the meetings and announcements of criminals who violate the constitution and orders hold no significance.

Reacting to the statements made at the meetings of the PDM parties, former federal minister said, it was hoped that the group responsible for spreading chaos and incitement in Pakistan will apologize for the deaths of two dozen citizens who died while standing in queues for flour. However, instead of expressing remorse, they have launched a direct attack on Pakistan's constitution while continuing their history of brutality.

PTI leader Fawad Chaudhry further stated that this same fascist group is responsible for the most severe economic and political crisis in Pakistan. During the last 11 months, they have disrupted the base of economy and government's policies. The only solution to the political and economic crises in the country is transparent elections, in which they foresee their political death.

Fawad Chaudhry said that Article 224 of the constitution gives a clear and unequivocal mandate for elections within 90 days after the dissolution of assemblies. This issue is not about nine, seven, five, or three-member bench; it is a matter of a constitutional deadline of 90 days for the elections. PDM wants to entangle the nation in confusion about judges and benches to escape from the elections, supposed to be held within 90 days.

He said that through audio leaks, this criminal minded group wants to target the judges and keep the Supreme Court away from of protecting the constitution, while also trying to keep the bench busy in protests against its formation. The Supreme Court should be allowed to protect the constitution and take legal action against the perpetrators.