What has Ishaq Dar for us at 4:10 pm today?

What has Ishaq Dar for us at 4:10 pm today?


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ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Finance Minister Ishaq Dar piqued curiosity after repeatedly uttering 4:10pm in response to multiple questions asked by journalists on Friday.

Walking and talking to the journalists in the parliament house, Mr Dar was questioned repeatedly on the government’s strategy for the economic situation of the country. The minister responded he would answer that in a presser at 4:10 pm today.

Upon being asked whether he was going to resign, he mockingly asked if his job was troublesome for him. The journalist said former FBR chairman Shabbar Zaidi had claimed that Mr Dar was going to resign. Mr Dar replied that Mr Zaidi must have been in jail by now over the corruption of billions of rupees.