Caretaker Punjab CM assigns portfolios to cabinet members

Caretaker Punjab CM assigns portfolios to cabinet members


Caretaker Punjab CM assigns portfolios to cabinet members

LAHORE (Web Desk) – Punjab s caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi on Friday assigned portfolios to the provincial ministers who took oath a day earlier. 

S.M.Tanveer will be minister for energy and industries, Dr Javaid Akram (specialised healthcare), Ibrahim Murad (local government) and Bilal Afzal has been assigned the portfolio of communications and excise. 

The chief minister has assigned the portfolio of primary and secondary healthcare to Dr Jamal Nasir, higher education and schools education to Mansoor Qadir, Zakat, Auqaf and religious affair to Syed Azfar Ali Nasir, and information and culture to Amir Mir.