Indus Water Commission once again seeks Indian reply on Pakal Dal, Kiru projects

Indus Water Commission once again seeks Indian reply on Pakal Dal, Kiru projects


Indus Water Commission once again seeks Indian reply on Pakal Dal, Kiru projects

LAHORE (Web Desk) – Indus Water Commission (IWC) once again wrote a letter to India seeking a reply on objections raised by Pakistan on the hydro-power projects being carried out by India on Chenab river.

Pakal Dal Dam and Kiru Hydropower Project were constructed on the Chenab River in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). These projects will reduce the flow of water in the Chenab River.

Pakal Dal has a generation capacity of 1,000 MW and Kiru Power Project has a generation capacity of 624 MW.

The Indian delegation is expected to visit Pakistan in March to hold talks over the issue. 

Pakistan Commissioner for Indus Waters (PCIW) Mehr Ali Shah said Pakistan has always abided by the Indus Water Treaty and we are hopeful that the World Bank, as a third party arbiter, would accept Pakistan s stance.

Earlier this year, a Pakistani delegation led by Mr Shah visited India to discuss issues pertaining to sharing of water resources between Pakistan and India under the Indus Water Agreement.

Under the 1960 Indus Waters Treaty (IWT), India and Pakistan share waters of six rivers in the Indus basin. Of these, India has complete rights over three eastern rivers — Sutlej, Beas and Ravi — while Pakistan has rights over the western rivers—Chenab, Jhelum and Indus. The Permanent Indus Commission is a bilateral commission consisting of officials from the two countries, created to implement and manage the goals and objectives of the treaty.