FO summons Afghan diplomat in wake of fresh shelling

FO summons Afghan diplomat in wake of fresh shelling


FO summons Afghan diplomat in wake of fresh shelling

Pakistan summoned the Afghan Charge d’ Affairs on Friday in the Foreign Office to register strong protest over “unjustifiable cross-border shelling” by the Afghan Taliban forces in the Chaman-Spin Boldak area.

The Afghan diplomat was called for the first time as the Pakistan government previously resorted to issuing statement only when border clashes occurred last week.

The Afghan Charge d’Affairs in Islamabad was called to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Pakistan’s strong condemnation over recent incidents of unprovoked cross-border shelling by Afghan Border Security Forces in the Chaman-Spin Boldak area, resulting in loss of life, injuries to several people and damage to property, was conveyed,” reads a statement issued by the Foreign Office.

It was added in the statement that Pakistan remained dedicated to maintaining friendly relations with Afghanistan. “Peace along the Pak-Afghan border is intrinsic to this end,” the issued letter added.

The Afghan forces tried to stop the work on one side of the fence on the Pak-Afghan border and as a result clashes took place.

Pakistan has also shown concern over the failure of the Afghan Taliban to eliminate sanctuaries of the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

In an earlier incident, a Pakistani diplomat in Kabul was attacked in the embassy and he survived the assassination attempt due to the bravery of a security guard.