DEC UK raised 16 million pounds for Pakistan floods victims

DEC UK raised 16 million pounds for Pakistan floods victims


DEC UK raised 16 million pounds for Pakistan floods victims

LONDON (Azhar Javaid) – Pakistan High Commissioner to united kingdom Moazzam Ahmad Khan held a detailed meeting with the UK Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) delegation comprising Mr. Saleh Saeed OBE, Chief Executive Officer, and Madara Hettiarachchi, Director Programme.

They briefed the High Commissioner on the response to the DEC’s Pakistan Flood Appeal launched last Thursday. So far, contributions of 16 Million Pounds have been received.

It was informed that the DEC was working in partnership with the government of Pakistan and would be spending the collected amount through its partner NGOs working in the flood affected areas of Pakistan to provide food, shelter, clean drinking water, sanitation supplies and hygiene facilities. Moreover, funds would also be spent to restore the livelihoods of the affected people.

The High Commissioner appreciated the DEC for its efforts and urged the need to closely work with Pakistan Armed Forces, NDMA and PDMAs for expeditious and effective distribution of relief goods. Assuring the DEC of full support in its flood relief operations, he also underlined the need for a synergetic effort by all partner agencies to avoid duplication and overlapping.