PM urges all stakeholders to agree on Charter of Economy

PM urges all stakeholders to agree on Charter of Economy


PM urges all stakeholders to agree on Charter of Economy

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said on Wednesday that time has come for political forces and all stakeholders to rise above their narrow interests and agree on Charter of Economy.

In a series of tweets on Wednesday, the prime minster said that Pakistan s economic security is deeply linked to its political stability and time has come for political forces & all stakeholders to rise above their narrow interests & agree on Charter of Economy. “Let this Charter b a sacred trust adhered to by all to ensure continuity of policies.”

He said that while we have had excellent human resource, fertile lands & plans, what we have lacked all along is the will to turn strategies into concrete actions, adding that we have faltered on executing the projects leading to cost & time overruns and we need to break this logjam that has held us back.”

“In light of the outcomes of the Pre-Budget Business Conference, I have decided to form various task forces consisting of experts & professionals belonging to IT, export, agriculture, finance sectors & food security to finalise the proposals for fast-paced implementation,” he wrote.

Shehbaz Sharif said, “We need to increase our exports and reduce imports to come out of recurrent balance of payment crisis. I proposed the public-private partnership as a way of involving our private sector in the conception & execution of development projects. This will bring in fresh ideas.”

He said the government has taken tough decisions necessitated by circumstances, but will successfully bring the country out of this situation, adding that the government has introduced austerity measures to share the burden felt by the people.

Thanking the agriculturalists, commerce, trade, industry, IT and finance experts for their active participation in Pre-budget Business Conference, the Prime Minister said the conference provided a perfect platform for exchange of views on the economic challenges & the way forward.

The prime Minister said land is a limited asset, which is being swallowed up by housing societies and government will introduce measures to discourage unproductive use of land.

He said Information technology and agriculture sector need enabling policies to turn around the national economy.

He noted that if right set of policies are in place, IT sector is capable of exporting up to 15 billion dollars in 2-4 years.

The Prime Minister said during his foreign visits, he prioritized areas for mutual cooperation in the fields of IT, commerce, finance, energy, infrastructure & investment.