Harassment under the guise of accountability affected performance of bureaucracy: PM

Harassment under the guise of accountability affected performance of bureaucracy: PM


Harassment under the guise of accountability affected performance of bureaucracy

LAHORE (Dunya News) – Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said on Tuesday that harassment under the guise of accountability affected the performance of bureaucracy.

The prime minister said this in a meeting with in-service and retired civil and administrative officers in Lahore on Tuesday, who shared their experiences about governance, administrative issues and implementation of policies.

The officers present at the meeting shared their experiences with the Prime Minister on governance, administrative matters and implementation of policies.

During the meeting, Chief Secretary Punjab, Provincial Secretaries of various departments, former Chief Secretaries and Heads of different departments presented proposals regarding future projects, role of effective bureaucracy and provision of relief to masses.

The Prime Minister said able officers guide any political government regarding progress and prosperity of the country and fortunately Pakistan has got such worthy officers who are precious assets of the country.

He said consultation will be made with all stakeholders to enact laws regarding accountability and transparency.

Shahbaz Sharif said civil servants are part of the government team and it is necessary to address their reservations.