PM attends opening ceremony of 24th Winter Olympics Games

PM attends opening ceremony of 24th Winter Olympics Games


PM attends opening ceremony of 24th Winter Olympics Games

BEIJING (Dunya News) – Along with many world leaders, the Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan attended the opening ceremony of the 24th Winter Olympics Games in Beijing.

China is hosting the 24th Winter Olympics Games for the first time with the participation of Russian President, Emir of Qatar, Tajik President, WHO Chief, UN Secretary General and other world leaders.

Moreover, the Prime Minister Imran Khan was accompanied by are Federal Ministers Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Fawad Chaudhry, Asad Umar and others politician of Pakistani forefront.

Meanwhile, in a video that went viral on social media where PM Imran could be seen having a conversation with the ministers. The Federal Minster for Informantion and Broadacating Chaudhry Fawad Hussain was spoted praising the stadium in Beijing while having a conversation with PM Imran. In response to which the PM said that it is of another level. 

According to details, about 2900 athletes from 91 countries are participating in the Winter Olympics. There will be 109 different style competitions in 15 games.

Winter competitions will continue in Beijing from February 4 to 20. In addition to the capital Beijing, various competitions will also be held in Yang Qing and Chong Li.