'Expected growth of over 4pc despite challenges a huge achievement'

Dunya News


Government's three years are an economic success story: PM Imran

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday said that despite worst balance of payments crisis in the history of Pakistan in 2018, economic difficulties due to COVID, high commodity prices in the global market and humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan having direct and indirect impact on Pakistan, the growth is still expected to be above four percent which is a huge achievement.

Chairing a meeting of the Macro Economic Advisory Group in Islamabad, he said government’s policies of Smart Lockdown and incentive for the construction industry, social protection programs and subsidies for industries, small and medium enterprises kept the economy growing at a steady pace which have been praised by commentators globally.

He said government’s three years are an economic success story as we inherited huge circular debt, anti- export policies, unsustainable fiscal conditions, less competitive business environment and policies of lack of incentive for the private sector.

Imran Khan directed the departments concerned to coordinate and implement the long term and short term plans for the further betterment of both macro-economic condition of the county and improvement in economic condition of the people.

The meeting was given a comprehensive overview of the overall economic situation of the country, the government’s steps to mitigate the effects of high commodity prices on common people and government’s achievements in the last three years.