PTI's mission to protect human rights and supremacy of constitution, says CM Punjab

Dunya News


PTI's mission to protect human rights and supremacy of constitution, says CM Punjab

LAHORE (Dunya News) - Chief Minister of Punjab Sardar Usman Buzar has said that protection of human rights and supremacy of constitution is the mission of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

Usman Buzdar in his message on the International Day for the Protection of Human Rights said that protection of human rights is indispensable for socio-economic development of any country.

Moreover, protecting the rights of citizens is the first responsibility of state. Under the Constitution of Pakistan, all citizens have equal rights. The religion of Islam also emphasizes upon the protection of human rights, CM added.

Usman Buzdar further said that Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) has given the eternal and immortal message of human rights to all humanity. In the new Pakistan, everyone will have equal rights.

Today, we must reaffirm our commitment to ensure the effective implementation of measures to protect human rights, CM remarked.