Effective presentation of narrative imperative to win modern era wars: Fawad

Dunya News

Effective presentation of narrative imperative to win modern era wars: Fawad

ISLAMABAD (Web Desk): Minister for Information and Broadcasting Chaudhry Fawad Hussain Friday said that effective presentation of state narrative was vital to win modern-era wars.

Addressing the an orientation session in Islamabad, he said the modern times’ wars required presentation of opinion in an effective way.

He said morality has changed now compared to the past when powerful countries used to occupy the weak countries.

Narrating an example, he said East India Company of the United Kingdom had occupied India and looted its wealth without any remorse. The moralities were changed after World War II, he remarked.

The minister said the United States of America had conquered Afghanistan within three hours but could not achieve the objective of the war afterwards following the change in the definition of victory. He said since 1950, no country had annexed any country after conquering it.