Kashmir Black Day photo exhibition held at Pakistan HC in London

Kashmir Black Day photo exhibition held at Pakistan HC in London


Pakistan High Commissioner Moazzam Ahmad Khan expressed solidarity with the Kashmiri victims

LONDON (Azhar Javaid/Dunya News) – The High Commission for Pakistan in London organized a day-long Photo Exhibition today to observe Kashmir Black Day.

The photos of the Kashmiri victims of Indian atrocities were displayed at the premises of the Mission. The images depicting human rights violations in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), as documented by credible international organisations and media outlets, highlighted the brutalities of the Indian occupation forces committed against innocent Kashmiris.

Speaking about the importance of Kashmir Black Day, Pakistan High Commissioner Moazzam Ahmad Khan said the day reminded the world of the IIOJK since 27 October 1947, which needed to be resolved according to the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council.

He expressed solidarity with the Kashmiri victims and paid glowing tributes to their resolve and bravery in their struggle for self-determination.

The High Commissioner said that such events underlined the need to hold India accountable for its crimes against humanity. He expressed the exhibition would help visitors understand the gravity of human rights abuses committed by Indian occupation forces in IIOJK.

Khan said Pakistan would continue to raise its voice for the voiceless Kashmiris on all platforms.