Photo of dogs in flood water is from Thailand, not 2023 Ukraine dam breach

Photo of dogs in flood water is from Thailand, not 2023 Ukraine dam breach

A photo of six dogs caught in a flood was taken during 2022 floods in Thailand

(Reuters) - A photograph of six dogs caught in a deluge during the worst flooding in Thailand’s Ubon Ratchathani city in October 2022 has been miscaptioned online as a scene from Ukraine following the breach of the Nova Kakhovka dam in June 2023.

Examples are posted on Facebook (here) and Twitter (here) alongside text suggesting the picture was taken in Ukraine.

However, the image, credited to the Soi Dog Foundation, appeared in local news reports from Thailand in October 2022 with the caption, “Dogs in Ubon Ratchathani swim around the flooded streets searching for food” (here) and (here).

Soi Dog Foundation did not immediately reply to a Reuters request for comment.

In October 2022, an unprecedented monsoon season brought frequent and intense downpours that led to widespread flooding in Ubon Ratchathani and other parts of the country (here). A Reuters report on the incident can be seen (here).

The Nova Kakhovka dam in southern Ukraine was breached on June 6, 2023 causing flooding in areas across the war zone (here).

Reuters reported on June 8 that rescue workers were attempting to save thousands of stranded pets after owners abandoned them while escaping the flood (here). A Reuters video showing dogs left behind being rescued in inundated areas can be seen (here). 


Miscaptioned. A photo of six dogs caught in a flood was taken during 2022 floods in Thailand and is unrelated to the 2023 dam breach in Ukraine.