Years-old video of Istanbul explosion mistaken for 2022 attack

Years-old video of Istanbul explosion mistaken for 2022 attack

Years-old video of Istanbul explosion mistaken for 2022 attack

(Reuters) - A CCTV clip from 2016 of an explosion in Istanbul has been mistaken by some social media users for footage of the blast that killed six people in the same city in November 2022.

The clip shows an explosion ripping through a pedestrian street and knocking multiple people to the ground.

It was shared widely on Facebook and Twitter on Nov. 13 to suggest it showed the moment of the bomb attack that day (here , here and here).

However, the video is at least six years old. According to Turkish media, which published screengrabs of the footage at the time, the footage shows the moment of a suicide bombing on March 19, 2016, on Istanbul’s historic Istiklal Avenue (here , here).

Six people were killed and 81 injured in the Nov. 13, 2022, attack on the same avenue which was crowded as usual with weekend shoppers, tourists and families. More on the incident can be found (here).


Miscaptioned. The CCTV clip is from 2016.