Zara Noor Abbas sees men's role vital in building family

Zara Noor Abbas sees men's role vital in building family


If a man is out for earning too much, he won’t be able to spend time with his family

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(Web Desk) – Actor Zara Noor Abbas has said men’s role in educating and building a family is very important, stressing the need that men should spend most of their with their families.

She appeared as a guest on a private TV programme where she discussed various topics including men’s rights.

During the programme, the host asked Zara what three or four rights she believes men should have.

In response, Zara Noor stated that men’s responsibilities should be reduced somewhat and all family members should help each other.

She emphasised that being present at home is more important for a good husband or father than being busy.

If a man is out for earning too much, he won’t be able to spend time with his family.

The host also asked the actress to give advice to men to which Zara said men should avoid smoking as it is very harmful to health and they should take good care of their health.

Talking about her husband, Zara Noor mentioned that Asad makes his own breakfast and she has never imposed any restrictions on him because relationships shouldn’t have restrictions.

She added that Asad knows his limits and she doesn’t have to say anything to him.