Muneeb Butt's take on love. Let's find out in Mazaq Raat

Muneeb Butt's take on love. Let's find out in Mazaq Raat


Muneeb Butt’s take on love. Let’s find out in Mazaq Raat

LAHORE (Muhammad Bilal) – ‘Mazaq Raat’ – Dunya News’ widely acclaimed programme – continues to make people laugh in trying times.

Several stars have illuminated the programme with their presence and candid discussions in the recent times.

Budding actor Muneeb Butt recently graced the programme and spoke his heart out on issues of public interest. He said the journey of love began after finding one’s sweetheart and this leads to nuptials.

Host Imran Ashraf asked Butt whether he had the experience of one-sided love and the actor replied that he did not engage in any such thing. “One comes across and admires several people before marriage, which we mistakenly consider love. But once one finds the true love, this leads to a lasting relationship.”

As for Aiman Khan’s absence from media, he said it was her personal decision and he had no role in it. “She will stage a comeback according to her liking… I don’t ask her anything about it.”

Answering another question, he said he and Aimen knew passwords of each other’s mobile phones but he was now thinking to change it.