Actors come to Sami's defense as latter laughs off offensive jibes in talk show

Actors come to Sami's defense as latter laughs off offensive jibes in talk show


A series of similar, berating questions were asked which Khan skillfully either dodged or laughed of

ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) - Actor Sami Khan was recently given a dressing down on a talk show with supposedly “funny” questions that insinuated he’s had an unsuccessful career.

On a show hosted by Fahad Mustafa, comedian Sheikh Qasim said, “You are so good looking, there’s nothing wrong with you, but somehow your films don’t work out. Why?” Khan argued, “No, sir, films are always a hit and miss. Salakhen and Wrong No. 2 were a hit. It’s a trial-and-error thing.”

Qasim replied, “But Wrong No. 2 wasn’t a bigger hit than Wrong No. 1.” Khan protested by clarifying that the film, in fact, was a hit. Mustafa also agreed with Khan, telling Qasim, “It was a hit! Now do you have a dhang ka (decent) question?” Qasim argued, “Okay let’s see, Khalilur Rehman Qamar made a hit and in his next film, titled Kaaf Kanga, he cast you. That flopped. What would you say about that?”

A series of similar, berating questions were asked which Khan skillfully either dodged or laughed off, all while appearing visibly uncomfortable. After a clip of the same surfaced online, several actors came to his defense. “This was so uncomfortable to watch,” commented Ayesha Omar under a news post featuring the snippet.

“Sami Khan is a fabulous actor and one of the most respectful, committed professionals. Bravo to him for handling this with so much grace!” she added. “Degrading your guests or anyone else is not funny. If he wasn’t successful, he wouldn’t be a guest on [your] show,” pointed out Omar.

Former actor Aisha Uqbah Malik also noted that the questions were “not funny at all.” She added, “Sami Khan is an amazing actor, a thorough gentleman, an absolute joy to work with and a wonderful human being. These shows need to learn where to draw the line.”

Armeena Khan chimed in, “So rude and not funny at all. Sami is a phenomenal actor and incredibly popular within the fraternity. A true professional, gentleman and one of my favourite co-stars. He maintained his composure despite all the insults thrown at him.”

Fellow actor Muneeb Butt wrote, “Sami bhai is an amazing artist and a phenomenal actor. No one has the right to insult him like this. I strongly condemn this act of Sheikh Qasim, he should apologise!”

Actor Sadia Khan, too, lashed out, “This guy is speaking total gibberish while trying to be funny. Sami has his own identity and he is one of the most respected and famous actors. You are no one to decide whether his films are a flop or not. Is this why you call celebrities on your show? To insult them? Pathetic way to get TRPs, nothing else!”