Two wanted criminals killed in alleged encounter

Two wanted criminals killed in alleged encounter


The suspects were wanted for incidents of murders, robberies, extortions and other heinous crimes

LAHORE (Dunya News) - Two wanted criminals in an alleged encounter with the Crimes Investigation Agency (CIA) in the provincial capital on late Sunday.

According to a CIA spokesperson, the Shahdra CIA police set up blockades to arrest some criminals on a tip-off and signaled motorcycles t stop for "checking".

The bike riders however opened fire on the police when they found no way out. As a result of exchange of fire, two suspects later identified as Faizan and ring-leader Ali Raza Malik were killed. Their accomplices however fled the scene.

The spokesman claimed two criminals were killed by the firing of their runaway accomplices.

The dead suspects were involved in murder, robbery, extortion and other heinous crimes in districts of Lahore, Faisalabad and other districts.

Police teams were constituted to track down and arrested the runaway suspects.