China becomes first country to name new Afghan ambassador under Taliban

China becomes first country to name new Afghan ambassador under Taliban


China becomes first country to name new Afghan ambassador under Taliban

KABUL (Reuters) - China became the first country on Wednesday to formally name a new ambassador to Afghanistan since the Taliban takeover, after its envoy presented credentials at a ceremony in Kabul.

The Taliban have not been officially recognised by any foreign government. It was not immediately clear if Wednesday’s appointment signalled any steps by Beijing towards formal recognition of the Taliban. 

“Mohammad Hassan Akhund, the Prime Minister of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, accepted the credentials of Mr Zhao Xing, the new Chinese ambassador to Afghanistan, during a ceremony,” said the Taliban administration’s deputy spokesman, Bilal Karimi, in a statement.

A Taliban administration foreign ministry spokesman confirmed he was the first ambassador appointed since August 2021 when the Taliban took over as foreign forces withdrew.

China’s previous ambassador to Afghanistan, Wang Yu, took up the role in 2019 and finished his tenure last month.

Other nations and international delegations, such as Pakistan and the European Union, have sent senior diplomats to lead diplomatic missions in Kabul but they have taken on a ‘chargee d’affaires’ title, usually meaning they are responsible for ambassadorial duties but do not formally hold the role of ambassador.

Some ambassadors appointed during the previous foreign-backed Afghan government have also stayed in Kabul with the same title.

The Taliban entered the capital on Aug 15, 2021, as the Afghan security forces, set up with years of Western support, disintegrated and US-backed President Ashraf Ghani fled.