Human Rights violations, PTI writes to international organizations

Human Rights violations, PTI writes to international organizations


Dr Shireen Mazari exposes human rights violations against PTI workers

LAHORE (Dunya News) – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) central leader and senior vice president Dr Shireen Mazari has penned a letter to the United Nations special representative revealing human rights violations against the party workers.

In her letter to UN representative and rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment Dr. Alice Jill Edwards, Mrs Mazari documented that “over the last 11 months we have witnessed a massive upsurge in custodial torture and other human rights violations relating especially to abductions, assault on homes and the frequent use of tear gas, cahemicalised water in water cannons and rubber bullets”.

The most recent examples, she wrote, have been the abductions and custodial torture, police and Rangers’ actions against PTI leadership and workers in Lahore, Islamabad and Karachi primarily but spread across Pakistan.

The letter further cited an attack on PTI Chief Imran Khan’s residence and the workers who were assembled there to guard Mr Khan against any possible assassination attempt. She also reported that Imran Khan's Lahore residence in Zaman Park had been turned into a battlefield by law enforcement agencies.