Suspected burglar inside New Brunswick home was a panicked deer

Suspected burglar inside New Brunswick home was a panicked deer


Colin O'Donnell posted a video to Facebook documenting the attempts to eject the trespasser.

NEW BRUNSWICK (Web Desk) - A couple who initially thought a burglar had broken into their home discovered the invader was actually a panicked deer.

Ray and Katie O'Donnell said they arrived at their Hampton home from a trip to the grocery store to find a window had been broken.

The couple initially thought there was a burglar inside, but quickly discovered the culprit was a deer that made its way to the basement.

The couple's son, Colin O'Donnell, came to the house with a friend to help usher the animal out of the house.

Colin O'Donnell posted a video to Facebook documenting the attempts to eject the trespasser.

A Department of Natural Resources officer soon arrived at the home and was able to encourage the deer to run up the stairs and out the door.

The Department of Natural Resources said the deer did not appear to be seriously injured, but the O'Donnells said the animal left a trail of destruction through their house.