Husband booked business class flight leaving wife and toddler in economy

Husband booked business class flight leaving wife and toddler in economy


"Am I being unreasonable to be annoyed with my husband?

LONDON (Web Desk) - A woman is livid that her husband is flying a long-haul flight in luxury while she and her two-year-old son are forced to fly in economy. Initially, the mum demanded that the duo was upgraded to premium economy for an easy 14-hour flight.

However, the husband allegedly lied about the upgrade. It wasn't until weeks later that the woman discovered that he had booked the 'cheapest economy tickets available'. Taking to popular forum Mumsnet, the woman fumed about the ordeal, admitting that she'd 'gone nuts'.

Captioning the post, the anonymous woman wrote "My husband booked himself a business class seat and my son in economy."

She explained: "My husband's going for a week's work and wanted me and my son (2) to go and tag on a holiday. I only agreed to go if my son and I flew premium economy as it's a long way, I'll be on my own with toddler whilst my husband is in business class (work paid for his ticket).

"My husband said fine no problem, had lots of points to use. Booked the flights. Told me had booked premium. Six weeks later I discover he'd lied and basically booked the cheapest economy tickets available (no seat reservation option/upgrade option).

"I tried ringing the airline but premium economy was fully booked one way and the other way there was space but at a cost of 2k so I said no.

"I didn't think much of it, just that at check-in I would be able to choose seats - at no point has there been an option to select seats/pay to select seats except at time of booking."

She went on: "Anyway, I've tried to check in three days before and I can only check in at the airport. Son and I have been allocated seats middle and aisle.

"We are next to each other which is great but not ideal, I would have wanted window/middle or two seats from the middle bank of plane (got an inflatable footrest with the hope son can sleep as its a night flight but now can't use as we are stuck with middle and aisle seats).

"I've gone nuts at my husband because I think he's a selfish p***k that was too tight to book a seat reservation when making the booking. Meanwhile, he laps it up in business class. I've rung the airline but they said the seats can't be changed."

Seeking advice, she questioned: "Am I being unreasonable to be annoyed with my husband? Am I being unreasonable to drag him out of business class so he can do his share of parenting? I doubt we can swap halfway through but did wonder if he could take son to sleep with him as he will be able to lie down.

"I'm worried that if my son has the middle seat and if he sleeps ill have to wake him up to let person in window seat go past," she added.

Since posting, the woman's post has raked in over 500 comments to date.

Flocking to the comment section, Mumsnet users sympathised with the mother, admitting they'd be 'furious' about the situation.