Sister-in-law asks a man to quit job and homeschool her son

Sister-in-law asks a man to quit job and homeschool her son


His sister-in-law has been giving him the 'cold shoulder' ever since.

LONDON (Web Desk) - The sister-in-law wanted a man to homeschool her six-year-old son, as she herself apparently doesn t trust  the public school system .

Somewhat  taken aback  by his sister-in-law s request, the man reminded her that he was a professional teacher, and such a situation just wouldn t be appropriate. He doesn t have the credentials required to homeschool her nephew and is furthermore uncomfortable with the responsibility that teaching another person s child full-time would entail.

Unfortunately, his sister-in-law wasn t best pleased by this response and has been giving him the  cold shoulder  ever since.

The fed-up teacher said "She s also been complaining to my family about my decision, saying that I am being  selfish  and  not thinking of others . She even went as far as accusing me of not caring about her son s education and not being a good uncle."

He continued: "I understand that she wants the best for her child and that she is concerned about the public school system, but I don t think it is fair or reasonable for her to expect me to give up my career and homeschool her child.

"I ve tried to explain to her that there are many other options available for homeschooling and that she should explore them, like a private school, or hiring a certified homeschool teacher."

Not wanting people to think he doesn t care about his young nephew s education, the 35-year-old teacher offered to help out with necessary research and is also happy to advise on matters such as curriculums and learning materials. Unfortunately, she s not having any of it, and he s now found himself in a bit of a tricky situation.

Although he doesn t want to offend his sister-in-law, he also doesn t feel he should give up on his own career goals just to avoid upsetting her.