Mysterious ball of light seen hovering over Glasgow

Mysterious ball of light seen hovering over Glasgow


The orbs are a signal sent by a superior race to those living on earth.

GLASGOW (Web Desk) - A man who spotted a mysterious orb of light hovering over Glasgow believes it could be a UFO.

The videographer, who wants to remain anonymous, managed to catch the bright ball of light on his camera.

He claims he has encountered these mysterious orbs on a number of occasions and shared his findings with like-minded people across the world.

According to the man, the bright lights in the sky are not of this planet and are too complicated to be manmade, reports Glasgow Live.

The man from Glasgow who caught the footage also claims he has seen the lights manipulate the way they look in the sky.

The UFO enthusiast said: "I ve personally witnessed in Scotland orbs changing into something like a jet, big white light in the middle, green on one side and red on the other.

"They are all over the world. I and many others have witnessed these balls of light shapeshifting.

"Mankind does not wield the power the knowledge or the science in order to turn energy into mass."

The video shows what appears to be a singular ball of light steadily hovering above Glasgow.

The videographer claims to have filmed a number of interactions with otherworldly crafts on camera including footage of balls of light shooting into space.

He is adamant the orbs are a signal sent by a superior race to those living on earth.

After claims that UFOs were spotted above iconic landmarks including the Eiffel Tower in Paris and Big Ben in London, some enthusiasts have claimed aliens may land on Earth this year.

UFO hunter Matt Wells told the Daily Star: "It is like aliens are sending a message, ‘We refuse to hide away. Here we are in plain sight at your world’s most important places’.

"Even sceptics must be sitting up to take notice.

"I believe we could see aliens coming to Earth for everyone to witness much sooner than originally thought."