Successful holding of National cycling championship in Gwadar to help promote cycling in port city, Secretary PCF

Successful holding of National cycling championship in Gwadar to help promote cycling in port city, Secretary PCF


Moazzam Ali Khan said successful holding of National cycling championship in Gwadar promotes sports

LAHORE (APP):Secretary, Pakistan Cycling Federation Moazzam Ali Khan said on Thursday that successful holding of the National cycling championship in Gwadar will help in further promoting the game in Balochistan specially in its port city.

“ It was first time in country’s sports history that a national championship was organized in this port city and PCF has gained the honour and distinction by holding the elite national cycling event in Gwadar”. He told APP here.

He said all the affiliated units of the PCF featured in the competition which was witnessed by large gatherings, specially youth which indicates that young generation has developed passion of cycling.

He said PCF under its game development plan organised the completion in Gwadar to introduce this port city as an ideal centre for hosting top level cycling event.

“We will soon be coming up with a comprehensive activity plan under which cycling coaching camps will be organised in Balochistan to motivate the aspiring youth to take up cycling as a sport”, said PCF official.

He expressed his gratitude to the concerned quarters specially Pakistan Army for making the national championship a big success.

Moazzam Ali Khan said Balochistan was rich in cycling talent and with the holding of regular events there specially in Gwadar can give a tremendous boost to the ongoing efforts of the PCF to take cycling to new heights in the country.

Secretary PCF said efforts were underway from the platform of the PCF to lay special focus on identifying fresh blood and to groom It under a long term plan for forming various national strings.

“ The present regime of PCF led by its President, Syed Azhar Ali Shah is making all out efforts to develop

Cycling on solid lines in the country among both men and women” , he asserted.

Moazzam Ali Khan said that PCF which was duly affiliated with international and Asian cycling bodies was ensuring participation of its teams in elite cycling events abroad. “The international and Asian cycling bodies have duly acknowledged the efforts of PCF for the cause of cycling in Pakistan and they are backing their hard work by inviting Pak riders in different cycling coaching events and training programmes in different parts of the world”, he said.

Secretary PCF said a significant rise has been seen in overall development of cycling in the country in recent years which has been possible due to persistent efforts of the PCF for laying special emphasis on adequate activity programme and by organizing different types of road races across the country.

“ We are targeting far flung areas of KP and Balochistan as far as holding of cycling events and races are concerned and by that way we have achieved productive results as the base of the game is expanding with each passing day with youth joining the fold of PCF “, he added.

Secretary PCF said new talent has been shortlisted from the national championship at Gwadar and their performance during the event was quite impressive.

“ This event has served as trials as we will be finalizing our team to take part the Asian cycling championship”, he said