Punjab police officer Beenish Fatima wins IACP 2024 award

Punjab police officer Beenish Fatima wins IACP 2024 award


She is the only Pakistani to be awarded this award for contributions to policing

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RAWALPINDI (Web Desk) - Punjab police SP Beenish Fatima has been awarded the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) 2024 Under Forty Award in Boston, USA. 

This award is conferred on 40 law-enforcement professionals under the age of 40 from around the world to acknowledge leadership and exemplify commitment to their profession.

Beenish Fatima is the only Pakistani woman to be awarded this accolade, making the nation proud on the global stage. 

She addressed societal inequities and the underrepresentation of women in policing.

She removed challenges for women ranging from childcare for officers to female facilities at police headquarters to drafting policies to eliminate gender barriers becoming first woman in the history of the Punjab Police to lead its Organized Crime Unit.

Beenish Fatima established the first Tahaffuz Center in Punjab, a crime reporting center and help desk dedicated to serving the transgender community.

She also set up the first Meesaq Centre in Islamabad, a police help desk and reporting center for religious minorities.

She is cooperating with the Pakistan Child Protection Bureau to design an awareness campaign and support mechanism for children victims of violent crimes.

Beenish Fatima has also the feather of becoming first woman Chief Traffic Officer (CTO) of Rawalpindi in her cap.