Interim CM Naqvi visits Riaz Mansoor Trust hospital

Interim CM Naqvi visits Riaz Mansoor Trust hospital


laid the foundation stone of surgical tower in Riaz Mansoor Hospital

LAHORE (Dunya News) – Punjab interim chief minister (CM) Mohsin Naqvi laid the foundation stone of surgical tower in Riaz Mansoor Hospital at Gulshan-i-Ravi on Wednesday.

CM laid the foundation stone of the surgical tower project by laying brick after which he visited Riaz Mansoor Trust Hospital and inspected various departments of the hospital and reviewed the medical facilities provided in the hospital.

Mr Naqvi gave presents to kids admitted at Thalassemia ward. He prayed for speedy recovery of kids suffering from Thalassemia and Haemophilia.

He also inspected the labs and blood infusion center. He appreciated the standard treatment facilities provided in the hospital and said that Riyaz Mansoor Trust Hospital was a pioneer in serving the suffering humanity.

Mr Naqvi said that selfless service to suffering humanity was no less than worship.

He added those who share the suffering of others were earning both religion and world and Riyaz Mansoor Trust Hospital was doing good work to strive for bringing innocent children back towards life.

CM said that government would play its part in this pious act. Founder Riaz Mansoor Trust Mudassir Mehmood and chairman Abdul Rasheed were present at the moment.