With Imran on container, PTI long march heads to Kamoke

With Imran on container, PTI long march heads to Kamoke


PTI chairman maintains that his party doesn't want anyone's help.

LAHORE (Dunya News) – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan is leading his party’s long march to pressurize federal government to announce early general elections in the country.

Imran Khan maintains that his ouster in a parliament no-confidence vote in April was unlawful, and a conspiracy by his political opponents orchestrated by the United States — a charge denied by both Washington and Shehbaz Sharif.

A day earlier, former prime minister Imran Khan said that the government is surviving due to the support of the establishment.

Speaking exclusively to Dunya News, the former PM said that the government of thieves and the rulers are facing corruption cases, while it has also failed in stabilizing the country’s economy nor it [government] could solve governance issues.

“We do not want interference from anywhere,” he said adding that our goal is only elections.

Imran Khan went on to say that the rulers want to engage us in backdoor dialogues and bow down before the US.

The PTI chairman also maintained that his party doesn’t want anyone’s help, adding that he brought a neutral umpire in the 200-year history of cricket.

He said, “I tried to introduce Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) for clean and transparent elections but the incumbent rulers did not allow let these reforms pass.

“Our only demand is that only free, fair and transparent elections should be held in the country and the decision taken by the people will be accepted by everyone.” To a question regarding the sit-in, Imran Khan said that the party has just begun.