President, PM strongly condemn hurtful comments of BJP leaders about Prophet (PBUH)

President, PM strongly condemn hurtful comments of BJP leaders about Prophet (PBUH)

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif  on Sunday condemned hurtful comments of India’s BJP leader about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

In tweets on social media platform Twitter, he said, “I condemn in strongest possible words hurtful comments of India’s BJP leader about our beloved Prophet (PBUH). Have said it repeatedly India under Modi is trampling religious freedoms & persecuting Muslims. World should take note & severely reprimand India. Our love for the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is supreme. All Muslims can sacrifice their life for the Love & Respect of their Holy Prophet (PBUH).”

President condemns hurtful comments of India’s BJP leaders

 President Dr Arif Alvi also  condemned in the strongest possible words the hurtful comments of India’s BJP leaders about the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and said that these derogatory and controversial remarks had hurt the feelings of all Muslims around the world.

He said, this incident was the reflection of the growing trend of Islamophobia in India where Muslims lived in millions.

The President said that merely suspending and expelling party officials was not enough but BJP must shun and denounce its extremist and fascist Hindutva ideology.

He said that India under Modi’s hateful Hindutva philosophy was trampling religious freedoms of all its minorities and persecuting them without any impunity.

“Allowing such Islamophobic remarks to continue without punishment constitutes grave danger to the protection of human rights and may lead to further prejudice and marginalization which will create a cycle of violence and hate,” he added.

He called upon the world community, United Nations and international human rights organizations to take a serious notice of rising Islamophobia and systematic religious persecution in India without impunity and take all steps necessary to put an end to it.