Electricity price likely to increase by Rs 4.5

Electricity price likely to increase by Rs 4.5


Electricity price likely increase by Rs. 4.5

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) will hold the hearing on petition to increase the price of electricity in the context of April’s monthly fuel adjustment  on May 31. While an increase of Rs. 4.5 is expected in electricity price. 

The Central Power Purchasing Agency has filed petition to increase the price of electricity in the context of April’s monthly fuel adjustment. In April, more than 13.55 billion units of electricity was generated at a cost of Rs. 10.66 per unit. The reference cost for April was fixed at Rs 6.60 per unit. 

The petition is scheduled to be heard on May 31. The final decision on rate hike will be taken by the authority after hearing.

It was further revealed that the increase will not apply to electricity and lifeline customers.

According to the CPPA, in April, 18.55% of electricity was generated from water, 16.74% from coal and 12.07% from furnace oil. The cost per unit of electricity generated from furnace oil was Rs. 28 to 19 per unit. 9.85 per cent from domestic gas and 19.42 per cent from imported LNG in April. 17.37% of electricity was generated from nuclear fuel and 3.59% from wind.